
          (2019年12月10日,中国北京)美国非营利性教育机构芝麻街工作室(Sesame Workshop)与北京凯瑞联盟教育科技有限公司(CollegePre,以下简称北京凯瑞)共同宣布,双方就北京凯瑞继续推广和运营芝麻街英语达成一致并续签了授权协议,此次续约授权合作为期5年,至2028年12月31日,独家授权区域范围覆盖中国大陆及香港澳门地区(除福建及台湾)。

    (Beijing, China, December 10, 2019) The nonprofit educational organization Sesame Workshop and Beijing Kairui Alliance Education Technology Co. Ltd (CollegePre) jointly announced that an exclusive license agreement has been signed to continue bringing Sesame Street English to local families, and franchise opportunities to sub-licensees on. The five-year agreement, through Dec 2028, brings the English-learning program to the region of mainland China (except Fujian and Taiwan), Hong Kong, and Macao.


    附芝麻街工作室(Sesame Workshop)官方网站同期发布的新闻内容:

