今天的【漫画单词课】就将教会孩子们Table Manner(餐桌礼仪),帮助他们做一个文明小客人!
上面漫画中的Cookie Monster在餐桌上表现的有失礼貌,餐桌都快乱套啦。而下面漫画中的Big Bird 和Snuffle就表现的非常好。
Table manner means the way you eat your food, or the socially acceptable way to eat your food, especially when eating a meal with others. Big Bird and Snuffle have good table manners.
餐桌礼仪泛指就餐方式,也表示在社交层面上让人觉得舒服的就餐方式,特别是和他人共同就餐的时候。Big Bird和Snuffle有着良好的餐桌礼仪。
Never complain about the food you are served. 不抱怨别人给你准备的饭菜。
Never talk with food in your mouth. 咀嚼饭菜的时候不要开口说话。
Never interrupt others while they are talking. 别人谈话时不随便插嘴。
Always put your napkin in your lap. 始终把你的餐巾放在膝盖上。
Always wait until everyone is seated and said before beginning the meal. 始终要等到每个人都就座并由长辈宣布开始吃饭后才开始用餐。
Always say please and thank you. 始终把“请”和“谢谢”挂在嘴边。
Always ask to be excused if you need to leave the table during the meal. 就餐中途离开桌子必须打招呼。
Always stay seated until excused at the end of the meal. 始终好好坐着直到就餐结束,或家人同意你离开饭桌。
Always say thank you to the cook or host. 记得向给你做饭的厨师或招待你的主人表示感谢。
Parents Tip: